Sunday, July 17, 2011


When people hear my name for the first time they often ask me " Where did your parents come up with that name?" I usually respond with " My mom was a hippie and made it up". i don't know why being a hippie would have anything to do with it, but people usually nod their heads, saying "aaah". Well, as it turns out, Im a hippie too. The educated, clean shaven vegetarian hippie that genuinely cares about humanity and the environment. Im extremely free spirited and yes I love trees. Who doesn't? Trees rule and keep us alive! You should hug one. 
Before we moved to NYC, I convinced my Mom to hand over her entire record collection so it could live on. I reeeally wanted it bad. I love her old albums and was plotting on commandeering them since age 16. She played them constantly when we were kids. Its a big deal for me to have these. Its a huge part of my childhood. I grew up dancing around the house with my family to Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Bob Seger, Stevie Nicks, Bob Dylan, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Heart, Rod Stewart, and The Boss… just to name a few. I could not bear the thought of these collecting dust or ending up in someone else's hands.
Thank you Mom for the collection and for not raising us on crappy music. 
For her birthday I bought her a ticket to NYC. In all of her 55 years of living, she's never been to the east coast. I was a little worried about the pace of the city and hoped that it would not tire her too easily, but she loved it. We walked miles together. I even asked her to slow down a few times. Im so glad that we had this time together. It felt great to finally be able to completely spoil my mom and to introduce her to things she's never seen or had before. I love you Mom and thank you for my name and for not allowing my hippie Dad to name me June Star. 


Polaroids of course. 

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