Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jaime Lola

She's one of my sisters. I have 3. She's in the middle. Her middle name is not Lola, but I call her Jaime Lola because I love the way it sounds. She's not little anymore because she's ..oh my gawd.. I just counted. 29!!! How does this happen? I vividly remember holding her in my arms when I was six and stroking her temples to calm her down. A few years later I shared stories of the boogeyman (who is real) , "the man with golden arm" and "drip-drop". She used to sleep next to me on my ridiculously awesome heated waterbed and we would sing Soul Asylum songs while cracking up over the lyrics..and then crying over the lyrics.  I took her to her first concert, Rage Against the Machine. She was 13. And like any cool big sister would, I let her go free. She came back with shredded pants and I believe a missing shoe, and gleaming. I was so proud… The first time I caught her kissing a boy in the house, I dragged him out and almost killed him. I feel bad for that one. Sorry Jaimeeeeee.. Its really difficult to let go of my "big sisterness" sometimes even as they approach their 30's. But I cant help it. Its embedded in my brain from all of the baby rocking, homework helping, story telling, protecting, teaching, listening, and giving advice to. 
I love it and always will. Ill always be their big sister as they will always be my little sisters. 
Heres to Jaime Lola, the gypsy one.
I love you. xoxo


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You and Jaime were the crazies that's for sure! The pictures are beautiful as expected. Although we are all grown up we will always look up to you as the big sister you always have least I do. I love you Cheesy!

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    You can't fool anyone here, you have craziness in you too & we've seen it too :D We're related!! Thank you I get it from our mama.

    My big sister...Chellise,Shalayyy,Cheese,
    Thanks, you have wonderful camera eyes ;-)
    snap snap I love you.
    Love, Jaime Lola
