Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Goodbye Jeepy. I Love You.

.The year: 1999. Age 24. Finally, I got my dream car. A brand new fire engine red Jeep Wrangler. No co-signers, just me, and boy, was it was a fight. It was a chilly December night. The papers were signed and the keys were in my possession. I asked the salesman to show me how to take the top down so I could drive her the whole one and a half blocks home proper. I consumed his every move of removing the top, there is a system to it, he said. I thanked him, hugged him, and hopped in. My fingers wrapped around the soft leather wheel, I started her up and took note of the miles. 68. I turned the heater on to soothe my chilly fingers...and oooo that new car smell poured out and a big smile on my face did too. The feeling of independence consumed me. I left that lot forever and headed east on Baseline Rd. Tears of happiness, independence, and accomplishment rolled down my rosy, cold, smiling  cheeks. Just as I approached Rural, the warmth of the heater started taking good care of me, all of the sudden it wasnt that cold after all..I continued to cruise around in silence all over my Tempe neighborhood, grasping the feeling of being a Jeep owner. The freedom, the desert air, the bumpy ride, the messy hair. Its sometihng one cannot explain. I fell in love. This baby is mine, I promised to never let her go.... 

Well... fast forward ten years. I still am in love with my loyal, dependable Jeep, and do not want to let her go. However, my life has shifted for the best and Im off to live in a city where no cars are needed, and Im excited for that. This is an acceptable reason to sell my girl. Ive had so much fun with her and it now time to move on. I have a ton of memories in this car.  Even to this day, every winter, when I turn on the heater, I am immediately taken back to the day I drove her off and she warmed me up. The smell has never left. Ive always loved that. I love you Jeepy, thank you for going everywhere with me. 

(Update : Jeepy now belongs to my beloved friend Stephanie, shes in good hands.)


1 comment:

  1. Brooklyn welcomes you with open arms and big smiles. You can drive my wrangler if you need a "fix"
